These currents also affect temperatures throughout the world.
However, another current was affecting South Africa, one over which Smuts could exercise no control.
Besides influencing climate, currents affect the fertility of the sea-its ability to support marine life.
The currents did affect her progress towards Gibraltar, despite being under tow for several hours.
These currents also affect marine debris, and vice versa.
This staggering statistic enables us to bring forward ideas concerning how currents affect the distribution of species at different depths in the water column.
That is, one spin produces slight currents in the electron, and then these currents affect the other spin.
Obviously, such a current cannot affect the transport of material in the swash zone, but it may greatly help transport by saltation and suspension in the breaker zone.
The other currents primarily affect the activation of the LTS.
These currents affect the degree of subcooling, and as a result, affect when the water freezes.