But this sweeping survey nevertheless is not irrelevant to the current chaos.
It was far easier to pick out who had nothing to do with Darfur's current chaos.
The current chaos seems consistent with that historical dynamic - a people's rage for liberty by the only means available to it.
So, he says, Washington does share responsibility for the current chaos.
That is part of the reason behind the current chaos in the nation.
The city's current chaos, in fact, can be traced in part to the formation of the new police force.
You're aware of all the different groups vying for political power in whatever new government arises from the current chaos.
The lessons from the last century and the current chaos in the world suffice to show how irresponsible this premise is.
The current chaos in Iraq can be traced to decisions that were made earlier in the invasion.
Suilin hadn't ever tried to use it before; but in the current chaos, it was his only hope.