Capital South Wales plays current chart and contemporary popular hits.
The loss was blamed on a northward current and inaccurate charts.
The closest to pure schlock on the current chart.
Except for the areas around Diego Garcia, the 1830s data is still shown on the current chart.
Billboard chart managers ultimately make the decision about which songs can remain on the current chart in such cases.
Without current charts, foreign vessels see Nigeria's territorial waters as dangerous, and therefore increase their freight charges to cover the risk.
The soundings for the current charts covering the western edge of Vineyard Sound were taken in 1939.
The Sisterhood has what amounts to current charts telling them places to avoid and where to make their greatest efforts.
However, a current chart should always be consulted for all but the shallowest-draft vessels, as channel conditions are rarely ideal.
Before returning to their boat and leaving the village market behind, Abulurd made certain to pick up a current lunar chart from a vendor.