Under the current charter, the duties of the mayor fall to the public advocate.
The city's current charter was adopted by voters in 1920, establishing a city council-and-manager form of government still used today.
Sworn in last week, the assembly has six months to write a new Constitution to replace the country's current charter, which dates from 1961.
The group's current charter is split into short and long term development efforts.
Its current charter expired at the end of 2006.
The school's current charter is for a period of five years from July 1, 2006 to June 30, 2011.
He said the current charter still gives no clear division of responsibility between the Community and the member states.
However, election of mayor under the current charter is officially non-partisan.
I agree that if the mayor has to leave office unexpectedly, there should be a swifter special election than the current charter provides.
The current charter calls for the mayor to be succeeded by the public advocate.