Four years ago, that same mascot character helped spur the current crackdown.
There were more ominous signs that the current crackdown in China might turn into a major purge.
The terror of this current crackdown is that it is very difficult to know whether you are going to be next.
But that is not to say the current crackdown has no one nervous.
He was among about 50 people arrested when the current crackdown began in late July.
Still, by historical standards here, the current intellectual crackdown is relatively mild and inconsistent.
He said police officials were aware of criticism that the current crackdown would not solve the long-term problems.
The current crackdown appears to be an attempt to slow the reform movement after its strong showing in the parliamentary elections this year.
The Chinese authorities have tried to keep foreign journalists from covering the current crackdown.
That year, before the current crackdown started, abductions of women were rising 30 percent a year, the state press reported.