What are the current demographics for Twitter use among the UK population?
The current demographics of the Hispanic community also bring down the median household income.
Given the current demographics in the UK (and France for that matter), perhaps it would be more relevant to consider the halal-ness of a resataurant.
It's also likely that Uncle Sam's Yankee heritage doesn't hold sway with current American racial demographics.
The continuing status of the United States as the world's most diverse society - racially, ethnically and culturally - is already assured by current demographics.
See Demographics of Bulgaria for a more detailed overview of the current demographics.
See Demographics of Serbia for a more detailed overview of the current demographics from 2002 census.
To these, a new set of 441 families from the Immigrant sample created a study group capable of tracking the current demographics in the US.
This figure is consistent with both the historical background of the region, and the current demographics of it.
It is widely recognized, however, that the current demographics of New Orleans are on average more white and more affluent than they were before Katrina.