The normal complement is 36, in her current deployment is 15 officers and 22 senior and junior ratings.
Given the Manticoran Navy's current deployments, they were hitting well above the average if only three of the initial choices had been unavailable.
The table below shows the current deployment of Pakistani Forces in UN Peacekeeping missions.
It instructed Japanese forces to surrender to designated Allied commanders, reveal all current military deployments, and preserve military equipment for later disarmament.
The number of Army Reserve troops will drop to 10,000 in the next rotation from 20,000 in the current deployment, Mr. Harvey said.
Between the current deployments and the looming cuts, however, the next several months will bring more drastic changes than usual.
One example would be the current deployment to the Dakotas to assist the Bureau of Indian Affairs.
While he seemed to suggest that Britain would maintain its current military deployment, he added, "I do think that over the next few months the emphasis will shift."
I would feel much more secure," said Rikkagin Aerent, "if we had a clearer idea of their current deployment.
Some current deployments of armed Aetos Security personal include: