These techniques employ electric currents to drive or enhance sintering.
Still others suggest that strong currents and heavy surf generated by nor'easters drive the whales onto the beaches.
The lack of an auxiliary power source, which had caused this problem also made the trip to New Zealand extremely difficult as the winds and currents drove her towards the New Hebrides Islands.
"With so much uncertainty about where the tides, currents and winds will drive the oil slick, information is Florida's first line of defence."
After release at sea, currents and southerly winds drive the ice pier north towards the Ross Sea and into the circumpolar currents of the Southern Ocean.
Strong currents of Southeast European moodiness drive the score, as do occasional flourishes reminiscent of Richard Strauss.
The currents were driving the hulk across the reef; bits of coral shattered and collapsed under the thing's weight.
They'd had to dam the channel, drain it, and then clear out the sediment that had settled along its length so that the swift current of the river could better drive the mill wheel.
What are the cultural currents driving these things?
The break, before 4 A.M., set the barge adrift and currents drove it onto the reef.