This is not really surprising, given the current fascination with nostalgic, earthy fare.
And the current fascination with them is a sign of a peculiar mood.
What does all this current fascination with empty spectacle mean, and where can it lead?
Paradoxically, the current fascination with public nudity comes at a time when laws against it are on the increase.
Many of them, she said, will explore her current fascination for mythological figures.
Aside from the current fascination, royals have long been the subject of .
Aside from the current fascination, royals have long been the subject of public interest - and in more than a few films.
What is the source of the current fascination with the human face as recorded by the camera?
Lord Golden has a number of interesting hobbies, but his most current fascination is feathers.
Are you surprised by "mainstream America's" current fascination with ghetto life?