With yesterday's announcement, United has 469 new aircraft on order, larger than its current fleet of 412 planes.
For lack of money, the agency last year shelved such plans, deciding to make do with the current fleet until 2015.
The 50-year-old airline's current fleet flies to more than 45 cities in 34 countries.
It quickly grew from a single medic truck to its current fleet of over 50 trucks.
Ailiners.net - Photos of current fleet and information about the individual airplanes.
Eventually by the late 1980s the order was finally placed for the current fleet of N-5 cars.
They have ordered or placed options for 1,500 airplanes; the current fleet is 3,500.
There are 60 trolleybuses, the current fleet having been delivered in the last few years.
All of the steamers were replaced in the 1970s with the service's current fleet.
This means that the current fleet will be maintained at least until 2023.