Now, 90 years later, they still get plain names - Michael's the current front-runner - and John has yet to fall out of the top ten.
The current front-runner is Leonel Brizola, 67 years old, who was prominent in the leftist Government ousted in 1964.
A dizzying descent down the literary ladder eventually brings us face to face with the current front-runner for the Republican nomination for President.
In 2007, moderators removed the posting privileges of many members who supported the presidential campaign of then current Republican front-runner Rudy Giuliani.
He is basking in his standing as the current front-runner in this fall's race for Mayor.
Mr. McCall is going to have to campaign hard against Mr. Pataki, the current front-runner, and both men need to answer tough questions about the state's future.
But does anyone believe that the current front-runners are the people most capable of leading this country?
The primary pits former Senator Lawton Chiles, the current front-runner, against Representative Bill Nelson.
He also rejected suggestions that he had become the current Democratic front-runner "by default."
The current Republican front-runner, Gov. George W. Bush of Texas, will take one of these rides, too, sooner or later.