Matsuri is Yuji's current girlfriend, and a police officer as well.
As everyone knows, when you're in college and changing your mind about a million things, a current girlfriend can turn into a former one overnight.
Is your ex-girlfriend on the same level as your current girlfriend?
Many would testify to it, though they seemed curiously short on names of current girlfriends.
"I don't like to ask this, but may I speak to your current girlfriend?"
So did, eventually, his current girlfriend, the pop singer Jewel.
When the season rolled around again that my current girlfriend and I got started in, all erotic possibilities had been explored.
And why should you show such concern over your current girlfriend's past affair?
Warren rushes to get packed and move away with his current girlfriend, Katrina, but she doesn't understand why.
She went away to college, where she dated men and women before meeting her current girlfriend.