Perhaps as important, the current glut in city office space made it possible for some 350 businesses to relocate within days.
But none of this is happening fast enough to reduce the current glut of movie screens - 34,160 throughout the United States.
In the current glut of books about memory, sad to say, this one is likely to be forgotten.
But the current glut is not only going to grow worse as more trees mature, but is also likely to last a long time.
Now if only someone could come up with a cure for the current glut of disaster flicks.
The building binge of the late 1990's replaced smaller theaters with megaplexes, leading to the current glut.
The city spent $10 million to buy the scattered housing: 120 new condominiums that developers were unable to sell because of the current glut.
Lobbyists and analysts widely regard the current glut of giving as perhaps the largest ever on a single issue in such a brief time frame.
To studio executives, this raised questions about the current glut of films.