The five-year saving, assuming an annual rate of inflation half a percentage point lower than the current index suggests, would total $64 billion.
In August, for the first time since 1990, the future index slipped to a point where it is just under the current index.
Based on the current index, he said, the prospective five-year earnings growth rate would be 14.8 percent.
(The current index to companies will stay inside the front cover of Marketplace.)
The amount reimbursed is fairly low with regard to the current index of prices prevailing in the economy.
The current index, for example, is based on consumer behavior in 1993-95.
The current index is completely unreal to most people.
The current index is known as the "Rule 13x6" which classifies into 6 levels the households in Mexico.
To prove this, consider the current index of array the algorithm is processing.
The 'current rental index' figure is calculated using data from the previous 90 days and is re-calculated on a daily basis.