Her current infatuation is the result of a car trip through Italy last summer with her second husband, Andrew Tazarelli, a painter who was Ms. Myer's eighth-grade art teacher.
Then I abruptly realized his interest was genuine, beyond his current infatuation.
I'M hopeful that the passing of the Slick Willie era will also bring an end to Hollywood's current infatuation with the presidency.
Now they might seem like yet another variation on the culture's fascination with process and television's current infatuation with nonfiction (a k a "reality programming").
Pop's most enthusiastic audiences are its youngest ones: grade-school and junior-high girls who shriek with joy for their current infatuations.
And in his 50's he wrote in his diary of a current infatuation, "All the gallant lyrics of all the songs I have ever written rise up and mock me."
It was where she was most likely to jot down friends' phone numbers, weekend plans, and any musings about current romantic infatuations.
Moreover, Plomin cautions, the current infatuation with genetic influences has obscured the very real importance of environment in human development.
The numbers certainly bear out the current infatuation with sake.
In fact the youth was probably in some station sleepover with a current infatuation from some other ship.