But even some current investors question whether he can recover this time in similar fashion.
The employees of 20th Century and current investors from both companies will make up the remaining ownership in the new company.
The firm will also raise the minimum that current investors must maintain in these accounts to $1,000, from $500.
Or funds might aggressively market new products to current investors every five years or so.
And so it will be in the funds' interest to woo current investors, perhaps by offering improved services.
"This is exactly the mind-set of many current investors," he said.
It will distribute an additional 7.1 million class A shares to the company's current investors.
Whether current investors will keep the faith through all the changes at the Berger funds is far from certain.
InvestUkraine provides services to prospective and current investors free of charge.
The intensity and duration of the sell-off that started in early 2000 were new to almost all current investors, he said.