The Press coverage of Bradshaw had been very high profile, to use the current jargon.
Within Hollywood, the current jargon says a summer blockbuster should play in "all four quadrants": that is, across the age spectrum.
Over-stretch' (the current jargon for working with too few men under war-time conditions, but without the shooting) finally sapped a man's determination to stay in.
I consulted my sister about treatment, only to discover that she was, in the current jargon, similarly troubled.
With a choir of men and boys, it draws heavily on historically informed performance styles, in the current jargon.
Much of the business is no longer being limited by space or time, if you use current jargon.
Ms. Hart is what one might, in current artistic jargon, call an "accessible" singer -she's right there with us, and we enjoy her company.
If Marriage knew the current jargon for the CIA, he didn't bother with it.
Also alarming the public, the current jargon refers to "functional illiteracy."
And it will be new to create intellectual capital, as the current jargon has it.