The current legislature was elected on 22 April 2009 and has an African National Congress majority of 19 members.
Alaska House of Representatives home page (current legislature, not archive)
The current legislature was created following the passage of the federal Hawaii Admission Act in 1959.
In the current legislature (2008-2012), there are 15 of these departments.
The current legislature, elected partly by universal suffrage and partly through various professional groups, is to be dismissed on July 1.
The Socialist party leadership stands well to his left, while the current legislature stands well to his right.
A state election must be held in Brandenburg 60 months after the election of the current legislature at the latest, which falls in mid-2014.
It has now, in the current legislature, become the currency of twelve countries of the European Union.
She became the second woman, along with Premier Eva Aariak, to sit in the current legislature.
The current legislature has 17 parties and splinter groups.