As a red giant, the Sun will have a maximum radius beyond the Earth's current orbit.
The planets were originally thought to have formed in or near their current orbits.
It is something of a mystery how these objects came to be in their current far-flung orbits.
Therefore, it must have been tugged into its current eccentric orbit by a gravitational interaction with another body.
They would not even keep me in the system, as my current orbit will send me back out into endless space.
I wish to know why the Shechenag think our current orbit will cause us damage.
They do have enough maneuvering thrusters to remain in their current orbit for some time, however.
They've got to break their current orbit within the next half hour.
Astronomers will also have to figure out how the body made it to its current skewed orbit.
The age estimate is based on the probability of the members having their current orbits, rather than from any physical evidence.