The current patchwork of inconsistent state laws and regulations confuses consumers and results in insurance products that vary greatly among the states.
But unlike Dirty Harry, he is a believer in rehabilitation and hopes to strengthen and unify the current patchwork of state programs.
The current patchwork of job titles and grades leads to inequities in pay for jobs requiring similar levels of skill, effort, responsibility and working conditions.
The current patchwork of tests includes vague scoring statements that allow school districts to obscure how badly they are doing.
But it would also unleash unprecedented new growth by eliminating the barriers created by the Continent's current patchwork of currencies.
In the 16th century two medieval fields were divided which delayed inclosure until the 18th century, leading to the current patchwork of fields.
The current patchwork also pits different levels of government against each other.
The decision will also highlight the current patchwork of state laws governing when and whether life-sustaining treatment can be stopped.
But the current patchwork of good and bad procedures is not acceptable.
As a result, there would be much more uniformity in the nation than in the current patchwork of private health insurance and Medicaid programs, which vary widely.