In contrast, rental payments are likely to form a more constant proportion of current pay over the life cycle.
The current average pay of the car-haul employees - drivers and the garage workers who maintain the trucks - is about $20 an hour.
However, research suggests that current pay or play proposals are limited in their ability to increase coverage among the working poor.
Also, they are offering me a 6 percent higher salary than my current pay.
Of course, if your employer is desperate to hire you, he may counter with a second offer at your current pay - or higher.
The current top pay of $43,319 would rise over two years to $52,892.
His current pay, about $8 million a year, is one of the highest in television.
The group agreed to recommend that Cabinet-level officers should be paid $155,000 a year; their current pay is $99,500.
The district's current top pay of $43,319 will be raised to $46,594, and then $53,938 in the third year.
They will receive an average rise of just one per cent annually after the current pay freezes expire in 2012 or 2013.