The first floor houses the current periodicals, back volumes of periodicals, and a small rare book collection.
The library receives over 40 current periodicals from Belarus and abroad.
A heavy table at the center supported a pair of antique lamps and a selection of current periodicals.
A library that houses current periodicals, some books and computers is located on the 3rd level of the west end of the North building.
In the periodicals reading room around 18,000 topical issues of current periodicals are available.
The online version includes over 300,000 active and current periodicals.
He also continues to comment, through fiction and non-fiction, in current periodicals.
Several hundred current periodicals in the field of business and management are immediately available.
In addition, its library and archives of more than 16,000 titles and 40 current periodicals make it an important regional cultural resource.
As of 2011 it contains some 169,000 volumes and 3,830 current periodicals.