Herer uses Andersen's story as an allegory for the current prohibition of cannabis.
If some women did receive true sacramental ordination, then the current prohibition would be ecclesiastical rather than divine law.
A "no" was a vote to maintain current prohibitions.
The restrictions would take effect 90 days after the bill becomes law and would supersede the current prohibition if they are enacted before April.
Voters also back 48 - 40 percent lifting the current prohibition on Sunday hunting on private land.
As a result, reliance has been placed mainly upon case law to map the contours of the current prohibition.
There is talk in Congress of relaxing some of the current prohibitions.
The current prohibition on new "direct access" for electricity service would be continued beyond 2015.
Secondly, the Commission proposed to maintain provisionally the current prohibition on the five other hormones until more complete scientific information is made available.
The current prohibition bans only the sale of some foreign-made assault weapons that have no sporting purpose.