Many of the current prospects will be well into their 60's and may seem too old to run in 2008.
Lloyd's is braced to announce a 1989 market loss this summer of between £1.5 billion and £2 billion, though current prospects are much brighter.
"My current prospects do not bode well for hopes of profit."
But he is clearly happier at his current prospects.
But a slowdown short of a recession, the current prospect, could mean less inflation.
To a large degree it is the result of the sharply felt contrast between the past glories of Arab civilization and its current dismal prospects.
So what makes the current prospects any different from all the false starts of the past?
The fall of around 28%, in the last decade, in farms whose owners are under 35 years of age proves the current negative prospects.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, if we consider the current prospects of resuming a direct dialogue, where would that leave us?
In Japan's case, however, there is still the overhang of the long slump in the nineteen-nineties, with which our current prospects are sometimes compared.