With China reporting its first two human deaths from bird flu, international health specialists are warning that current tallies may greatly underestimate the problem, there and elsewhere.
As of current tallies, Katrina is either the fourth or fifth deadliest storm ever to hit the United States.
But the governors' association does not have a current tally and some governors, like Mr. Bush when he was in Texas, have been reluctant to grant pardons.
The current tally is:
Dunne is known for holding the unfortunate record of scoring the most Premier League own goals, with a current tally of nine.
The current tally is 65 victories for the Giants, 47 for the Redskins, 3 ties, and a lot of accumulated aggression in the seats.
Its current tally stands at 27,000.
But given the closeness of the current tally, she would probably need only slightly more than 40 percent of the outstanding ballots to win the nomination.
The current tally of the Justice Department's demands for such records is classified, but it is "a really, really small number," Mr. Comey assured bar members.
The current tally of woman in the Russian Army is standing at around 115,000 to 160,000, representing 10% of Russia's military strength.