This two-hundred-page work established much of the current terminology in mesophase physics.
Using the current terminology, it would have taken five years to end up with a complete classification, 50% of which would be already obsolete.
In this article current American terminology is mostly adopted, but readers should be aware of the various points of view.
The leading edge system architecture and design features pioneered by Athena, using current terminology, include:
The term "Depth-Kymography" is included in the current medical terminology.
For these reasons, the term B*-algebra is rarely used in current terminology, and has been replaced by the term 'C*-algebra'.
It is marketed as a reliable authority, but sometimes overlooks current terminology.
As of 2008, the current terminology refers to cytokines as immunomodulating agents.
I guess I'm not up on the current terminology.
In current terminology, this would be an ocean marine contract for a rate-on-line of 18%.