The bombing was the first fatal attack on an official American target since the current Palestinian uprising began three years ago.
In December, two soldiers were killed, including the the first woman soldier to die in the current uprising.
It seemed a far-off goal, but the current Palestinian uprising has drastically changed matters.
Scores of militants were let out of Palestinian prisons shortly after the current uprising began last fall.
Until, in fact, the outbreak of the current uprising.
Relations have cooled since the current Palestinian uprising began two years ago.
Indeed, it endorses the current uprising, which in its 23 months has claimed some 2,400 lives, three-quarters of them Palestinian.
Suicide bombers have struck 95 times since the current Palestinian uprising began in September 2000.
The real catalyst of the current uprising in Kashmir is not so much the first killing as the second.
He was jailed for a time by the governing Palestinian Authority but released at the start of the current uprising more than two years ago.