Prior to 1870, when the first bridge was built, people who wished to cross the river had to tread the waters with their carriages and handcarts with hopes that the unpredictable depths and currents wouldn't wash them away.
Returning to Ireland years later as a bishop, he meant to land again in Antrim but the strong currents of Strangford Lough washed him in, and he disembarked at the Slaney rivulet, in A.D. 432.
It had been left to the chief acolyte to ask why, while the whispered current of surprise washed through the crowd.
He felt dizzy; the steady current was washing his oxygen up and away, even as that current renewed the supply.
High water levels and strong currents in early June have washed away many nests and young cygnets struggle to survive once separated from their parents.
So Lord Reay put them to work building a causeway of sand across the Pentland Firth where, of course, the fierce currents wash away the sand just as fast as the fairies can build.
Strong intertidal currents wash the 'seeds' around on the seabed, where they accumulate layers of chemically precipitated calcite from the supersaturated water.
Storms produce changes in currents, and currents wash the sand on the bottom in different directions.
Since a black sand beach is made by a lava flow in a one time event, they tend to be rather short lived since sands do not get replenished if currents or storms wash sand into deeper water.
The currents wash a lot of stuff up, down on the coast.