The current windows are not original, but the visual effect is consistent with the original appearance.
The openings to the arcade were later filled with the current ground-floor windows.
One lancet window on the north side of the chancel is original but all other the current windows were inserted later.
Once you start a search, your current window "becomes" a search results window.
Besides the current window of time, that leaves just a few days before the end of the year.
Manufacturers of health food are trying to exploit their current window of opportunity for moving into supermarkets.
However, timing is of the essence if we do not want to miss the current window of opportunity for mobile satellite systems.
It is possible to position the cursor within the current window (see later) with an Escape Sequence.
Windows key + Left snaps the current window to the left edge of the screen.
Windows key + Right snaps the current window to the right half of the screen.