The others are current or former workers from other city departments.
Or is the true goal of the protesters to replace current workers with union members?
Its findings were supported in interviews with current and former workers.
She said an estimated 20,000 current or former workers could be affected.
Among the current workers who listed an amount, the median was $400,000, but 26 percent said they would need less than $100,000.
At the same time the company's work force will swell from the current 8,000 workers to more than 16,000.
Their top pay would be $15.10 an hour, down from $17.90 for current workers.
The union's current workers do not pay premiums for their basic health plan.
"They've said they'd protect the jobs of current workers, but what about the future?"
"Our plan would not affect the status of the current workers employed by the school system," he said.