Teachers work closely together to create projects that span more than one curricular area.
Extensive work has also been done to align the curricular areas to state standards and to develop multiple assessments to guide instruction.
Alternatively, some states certify teachers in various curricular areas (such as math or history) to teach secondary education.
This process ensures that each curricular area is comprehensive and reflects current educational thought.
Groups also exist at a National Level for each curricular area to encourage collaboration across the country.
Of all of the curricular areas, however, theology was the most important.
Originally a college primarily focused on training Baptist ministers, it has begun to expand into more curricular areas.
Such programs have been used in a number of curricular areas.
Amongst the curricular areas identified as in need of attention was the school library, so that the project "came along like money from heaven".
By using literacy and writing across all curricular areas, teachers are better able to build a foundation of learning that supports the school's comprehensive program.