For this group, Literacy Volunteers has developed a curriculum called "Benl" - basic education in native language.
The biggest story in the New York City school system these last few weeks has been the battle over a curriculum called "Children of the Rainbow."
The group is developing a swim curriculum called Swimplicity, which it would like to market worldwide.
The curriculum called Seekers Guides 1,2 has been published in two formats, one for the northern and one for southern hemisphere.
The rest of the students were using a curriculum called Investigations, one of the new constructivist models, which teaches reasoning out a solution.
Students will learn Spanish with a classroom teacher and an online curriculum called PowerSpeak.
Defense Department officials said the anti-drug curriculum of the units, called Air-Mobile Special Forces Groups, ranged from air-assault operations and military policing to human rights.
The teachers were very pleased to have a group of stu- dents that actually progressed more rapidly than the curriculum called for.
She recently developed a curriculum called "Heroes: Growing Up Female and Strong," which encourages girls to envision themselves working in sports and other nontraditional areas.
Technology teachers teach a curriculum called "technology education," which is problem-based learning utilizing math, science, and technology principles.