Mrs. Olive Tschippert became curriculum coordinator for the elementary grades.
The districts also share a superintendent, curriculum coordinator, principal, board secretary, and other personnel.
Her mother is the curriculum coordinator at the Marymount School, a private girls school in New York.
"We do get complaints that the top track is heavy with white kids," Jim Memoli, the district's curriculum coordinator, said.
According to the acting high school principal, Christine Cummings, who is also curriculum coordinator for the school system, technology is stressed.
Examining deep-seated attitudes, according to the curriculum coordinator of the social science department, Officer Richard Francis, "might be good, and it might not."
So I mentioned that, at some point, I would be interested in working with teachers as a curriculum coordinator.
The new proposal eliminated an elementary curriculum coordinator and trimmed money for school monitors and computer equipment.
The intermediate unit hosts regular meetings for leaders of its member districts including superintendents, curriculum coordinators, human resource directors, and principals.
She is the curriculum coordinator at Mollison Elementary School in Chicago.