Though Guyana is considered to have met its Millennium Development Goal for universal primary education, the challenge for primary education remains equity of access in terms of curriculum delivery, quality and relevance.
Interactive Whiteboards and data projectors add a new dimension to curriculum delivery in the classroom.
Yet language is the tool of curriculum delivery, training and the expression of experience.
Nevertheless it must be realised that the energy we now devote to curriculum content has tended to overshadow and obliterate the debate about curriculum delivery with which this chapter has also been concerned.
For instance, there is the question of the length of the school day: some schools will feel obliged to extend the 'pupil day' in order better to cope with 'curriculum delivery'.
Students also write Provincial assessments (Province of New Brunswick, Canada) to ensure the consistency of curriculum delivery.
The programme aims to have one school in each province of Thailand that have the support of Saint John's group of schools in Bangkok in providing first-class curriculum delivery and development.
Media centers and computer labs exist in each attendance center to assist in curriculum delivery.
Ideally partnerships should allow teachers and business people to work together on curriculum developments and to consider jointly what each might offer to curriculum delivery.
Rather, it was an integral part of curriculum delivery, actively used by teachers to help them through their work programmes.