The curriculum requires about 80 to 120 hours of work, which can take from three months to more than a year to complete.
First, curriculum requires instructional design that draws on apprenticeship models common in real life.
At the time, White's curriculum required the study of classical architecture before students were free to follow their own ideas.
Schools and classes need to be smaller, and a new curriculum will require new supplies.
The curriculum also requires students in grade one to be knowledgeable about healthy living.
The curriculum also requires a foreign language proficiency and an expository writing course.
The curriculum also requires two years of foreign language (French and Spanish are offered).
The curriculum will also require students to read books from classroom libraries and practice writing for several hours every day.
The curriculum in each program requires 45 units of study.
The undergraduate curriculum requires a broad liberal arts education as well as the study and practice of journalism.