Learning of this, the father angrily cursed Dharma-shasta to spend time on earth as a human being, in order to experience separation from his wives.
Startled voices cried out or cursed angrily, sounding more irritated than alarmed.
She snatched them from him, cursed angrily at them both, then strode off in search of a taxi.
Whitlock cursed angrily and got to his feet.
Gulls cursed angrily above them, and, from not so far away, Sulu thought he heard the whooping of a lonely white crane.
Tarasco cursed angrily under his breath and scanned the corridor in both directions.
He was walking along the midway past a ball-toss concession when a woman cursed angrily in Spanish.
He shook his aching head and cursed angrily because he had no light nor way of making fire.
One of the clansmen cursed angrily but he responded to Topthor's order by exhibiting his hand weapons, as did the other man.
Spike cursed angrily as he steered the vessel.