The sight of what he did made Shamask cringe and he cursed the small man from that point on.
Commuters who cursed the snow on the way home from work yesterday will not have much chance to enjoy it this weekend.
I recognized a voice that cursed from my left.
The smile suddenly vanished, and he cursed as blood shot from his thumb.
Kathille cursed from her science post as she picked herself off the deck.
The goddess In anna, whose name you cursed from the deathbed of your friend.
Jeff's face had aged impossibly, and Helen cursed their captors for the theft of innocence from both her children.
Gary cursed under the breath streaming from his mouth.
"X" cursed the attendant from the room; then.
He cursed her in his hoarse, hollow voice, thoroughly and methodically, from head to foot, in language she had never heard any man use.