This contradiction should not be surprising to anyone with a cursory knowledge of the country's first century.
A teacher or GP could miss a diagnosis if they are only applying a cursory knowledge.
When the teacher joind the group, he'd had only the most cursory knowledge of Islam!
"I think that shows only a cursory knowledge of the law."
Under the circumstances, however, anyone with even cursory knowledge of the situation will see this tasking for what it truly is.
They are often led, on foot, by guides that have more than a cursory knowledge of the sights covered on the tour.
But she had only cursory knowledge about finding her way by the sun and stars.
Even those with the most cursory knowledge of traditional China should be aware of the almost total absence of information about peasants.
Religious conviction is no guarantor of moral or kind behavior, as anyone with a cursory knowledge of history knows.
Surrealism, again, is an obvious inspiration, as those with even a cursory knowledge of art history will quickly determine.