Some are well represented by several examples, while others are given only cursory treatment.
The photographs are first rate and the information is more than cursory treatment.
As her obsessive love for him has ruled her life, it does seem surprising that this receives such a cursory treatment.
But even the contemporary world gets surprisingly cursory treatment.
Her cursory treatment of Carnegie's and Bertram's intentions is harder to excuse.
"It's going at a deliberate pace, because we don't want to give the issue a cursory treatment," said a spokesman, John Mazor.
Responding to recent demands from educators that the film deal with issues of body image, the current film gives more than cursory treatment to weight.
The second truck received the same cursory treatment from the same cold customs inspector.
But some of the central chapters in recent Iranian history receive only the most cursory treatment.
The evening newscasts of the three broadcast networks all gave cursory treatment to the tape, not playing any of it directly.