Its curve indicates that it skirts hills, with a final zigzag to the top of one.
These curves indicate that a spin transition has occurred in a metal complex as temperature changed.
The typical supply-and-demand curves for new types of consumer electronics products would indicate that sales volume will pick up as prices decline.
The curves in the sand indicated that at one time there had been water in the dry streambed.
A reverse curve of the frame indicated that the whole buckle was intended to be used for securing a thick material, such as leather.
An inverted curve has indicated a worsening economic situation in the future 6 out of 7 times since 1970.
The energy spectrum can reveal the mechanism by which the X-rays are produced, and the light curve can indicate whether a star "bursts."
The curves indicate the per capita crowding cost for individuals.
The curve indicates the combinations of leisure and work that will give the individual a specific level of utility.
The second curve ("target curve") indicates how the batting side should "speed up" after an interruption.