Instead, use curved arrows... Wave your hands about in complicated patterns over this board.
To test this, draw a curved arrow on your yo-yo to show the way the string is wound.
Similarly, organic chemists represent the formation of a bond by a curved arrow pointing between two species.
This is denoted by two single barbed curved arrows pointing away from the bond.
The rearrangement of the solvent molecules according to the new potential energy curve is represented by the curved arrows in Figure 7.
The black cap on the bottom was split in two with a little curved arrow on the bottom.
Remember the curved arrow refers to the main carriage, so does the number 6 - knit six rows.
The curved arrow tells you to knit two rows with the main carriage.
Knit two rows as shown by the curved arrow then select the needles and move the lace carriage to the right.
A ball with a curved arrow pushes a line of spheres before resting in its place.