A round stone table all but filled the available space, with four curved benches around it.
Her next project will be to repair the curved tile-clad benches that line a small belvedere overlooking the garden.
Also, there is a big curved bench that could seat several people.
It was just about tall enough to stand up inside, and held three curved, stone benches at the back.
A security specialist, standing at the end of the curved bench that had supported the repeaters, passed a telephone to Hellstrom.
Finally she sat on the curved bench, leaning back against the wall and looking up at Seven.
An artificial grotto where the queen held private encounters on a curved bench cut into stone has also been opened.
The temple's circular basis served as the basis for the curved bench.
One traveler gave him a sleeping bag and a camping mattress, though he generally prefers to sleep on his curved bench.
He sat down on the curved bench that ran round the inner wall of the shelter.