On one side of this door there was a curved metal handle.
She was deposited in a heap on the curved metal beside him and he grinned down at her.
The engineer leaned against the curved metal of the wall and blinked his bloodshot eyes.
Aenea walked across the sand to touch the curved metal of the beached ship.
Holding a jagged fragment of curved metal in both hands, Spock took a seat beside the captain.
She felt thin, curved metal under her tense grip.
The shoe brake uses two curved metal blocks called shoes that fit inside a drum attached to the wheel.
The bottom skid, smooth curved metal, grooved in the direction of travel, should help with friction and slippage.
A long piece of thin, curved metal came into view before the flashlight's rays.
Dolarhyde held the curved metal spout in front of the man's face.