This surviving rim forms a curving arc that runs from the south clockwise to the north-northeast.
Leonidas took three running steps and hurled the javelin high into the air, watching its curving arc as the sunlight caught the iron tip.
Using these titanic forces he literally tore the junk-pile apart, even hurling the heaviest pieces away in high curving arcs.
They fired arrows upward in a curving arc.
Tom decided to cruise back along a curving arc that would carry them over the heart of the soaring Chogyal range.
Harriet leaned forward, her lovely, smiling face framed by the curving arc of her bonnet brim.
The inner wall is terraced, and there is a group of small central peaks that forms a curving arc around the middle of the floor.
The other two sections were descending in a curving arc.
Here it forms a curving arc of ridges across the floor.
Suppressing a sigh, Fyodor seized the hilt of the impaled sword and pulled it back toward him in a curving arc.