Two great curving horns swept out from either side of its head, and its mouth was open in a snarl of rage.
When Arya turned to look, she saw that he was wearing his helm, all shiny steel and great curving horns.
Almost shyly, the boy led them to his bench, and a steel helm shaped like a bull's head, with two great curving horns.
I saw twenty men holding enormous curving horns to their lips; these mighty instruments produced the sensebenumbing sound.
One hard blow landed on the rhino's snout, just below the large curving horn, and then another.
Even the great curving horns of their leaders were ivory-hued.
They are creamy white in colour with upward curving horns.
It has a longer face that other subspecies, with complex curving horns joined at the base.
It is made of polished brass and shaped like the curving horn of a ram.
It was not entirely clear who was leading whom, but someone had tossed a garland across the curving horns.