Xris settled back into the cushy seat.
Jamil sat back in the cushy seat in the rear, folded his arms, relaxed, and prepared to enjoy the ride.
But Ms. Laguiller says she has no intention of parlaying her votes into a cushy seat in anyone else's government.
"And in the scheme of things, it's a heck of a lot more important than a rock concert or cushy seats to a Giants game."
I much prefer the cushy seats in the BMW 5 Series.
Instead she was sitting back in the cushiest seat in the lounge almost before Han and Chewie got to the compartment.
He slowly rose from his cushy seat.
She slumped down in the rolling arms and cushy seat of a fat chair stuffed with horsehair.
He settled back against the cushy seat, enjoying the scent of leather and fresh flowers.
On the plus side, the Amanti is a relatively comfortable way to travel indifferently down the road, with wide, cushy seats and a spacious cabin.