When neither wife nor concubine bore him a child, custom allowed the family head to adopt a successor.
If she'd only been able to leave Manro behind completely-but neither law nor custom nor common sense would allow it.
He resolved to ask the woman to show him the dagger's use, if the laws and customs of steel ever allowed.
Courtesy and custom allowed only King Fidelius to wear a sword, for they were in his capital.
They go before Old Nick and demand to inspect his demons, as custom allows.
Will customs allow me to bring my home-made Christmas pudding?
Neither custom nor law allowed a woman to rule in her own right.
Spanish custom had allowed residents continuing use of their land as long as there was no challenge to ownership.
"Go now and take what you would, or I will send you away as law and custom allow."
It goes just far enough, but not further than custom and tradition allow.