AEOs may benefit from simplified customs rules or customs controls relating to security and safety.
Immigration and customs control facilities no longer meet today's requirements.
The West Berlin authorities were aware of this situation but did not impose stringent customs controls on such purchases out of political considerations.
Nonetheless, Hong Kong has retained considerable autonomy in all other aspects, including economic and commercial relations, and customs control.
It was a remarkably comprehensive document, since it had to allow for customs control as well.
Here there are points of the boundary and customs control.
Each carriage has to be lifted in turn to have its bogies changed and the whole operation, combined with passport and customs control, can take several hours.
No-one realistically expected the wholesale reform of transit to be completed within twelve months, but significant progress has been made in improving customs control measures.
However, for goods subject to excise or customs controls a NES declaration is still required.
Goods in free circulation in the EU can be moved from country to country with minimal customs control.