Ysmay was glad that custom decreed the bride keep her eyes on the plate she shared with the groom.
It's willing to follow a path that's been trod many times before and content to admire views that time and custom have long since decreed worthy.
He was guarding the gate, where custom decrees a watch be kept, though no enemy has ever advanced across the desert.
In many countries custom has decreed that women should play a minor part in public affairs.
It sounded as though local custom decreed that two acts of physical love constituted grounds for marriage, and he was definitely not ready for that.
The custom of punctilious courtesy, so deeply ingrained as to mean in his case the impossibility of wounding another, decreed that some pretence must be kept up before Ruth.
The floor below would serve as an inn; but as custom decreed that the main meal was served at noon, it was rare for guests to stay over.
Out Island custom also decrees that each island must be presented as one of their gods' runes, on its own chart.
The cattle were changing owners, and custom decreed that an abstract of title should be indelibly seared on their sides.
Fujiko bowed to Blackthorne and went away, glad that custom decreed that important matters were always to be handled by a third party in private.