The large former customs buildings and barracks are abandoned, empty, with blind windows above the road.
People will need an explanation when the lichen is gone and all its works and customs are abandoned.
As sinicization of the Northern Wei state progressed, these customs and traditions were gradually abandoned.
The custom is abandoned at the end of the Bronze Age.
These last few weeks, however, that custom had been abandoned.
The number of steps used to indicate the rank of a butsudō, the higher ranks having more, but the custom was abandoned after the Heian period.
College history prizes were offered for scholarships, and the custom of flogging students for college offenses was abandoned.
The custom was abandoned after the coronation of George IV in 1821.
Historically, as a courtesy to the President such sessions were always held behind closed doors, but this custom has been abandoned in modern times.
This medieval custom was subsequently abandoned in 1993.